The spread of invasive alien species (IAS) is a growing concern for marine ecosystems, economies, and biodiversity. Human activities—particularly commercial shipping and recreational boating—serve as key pathways for biological invasions. To strengthen biosecurity efforts, a multinational team of researchers has launched a comprehensive study to refine early detection strategies and improve risk assessments of marine invasions.
The GuardIAS project, a three-year Horizon Europe initiative commenced in 2025, uniting experts across various fields to develop comprehensive strategies for IAS management.
GuardIAS in a nutshell
The project, led by the University of the Aegean encompasses seven interconnected work packages targeting all stages of biological invasions—pre-border, border, and post-border. GuardIAS integrates environmental DNA (eDNA) monitoring with spatiotemporal risk modelling, leveraging large-scale data from maritime traffic, socio-economic networks, and ecological observations. The research focuses on assessing high-risk invasion hubs, refining detection methodologies, and providing actionable insights to enhance global marine biosecurity policies. A big emphasis in the project is put on social aspects, including development of efficient knowledge sharing strategies, empowering citizens to participate in early detection and monitoring efforts, providing tools and resources for public education about IAS and engaging their active participation in pest surveillance and control activities.
Enhancing early detection and risk assessment
As part of this initiative, Sequench is optimizing and validating eDNA biosurveillance tools to improve species detection sensitivity and reliability. In collaboration with the University of Sydney, our team leads Multi-Regional Input-Output model development and recreational vessel network analysis, helping to map invasion pathways and assess the risk posed by maritime activities. Additionally, we support data integration efforts, bridging molecular, ecological, and socio-economic insights to strengthen biosecurity decision-making.
This project represents a major step forward in leveraging eDNA for proactive marine biosecurity, providing decision-makers with cutting-edge tools to mitigate biological invasions and protect marine ecosystems.
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